Privacy Policy


Last updated: June 18, 2024


In carrying out its activities and mission, Groupe Desgagnés Inc., its subsidiaries, and affiliated, related or associated companies (hereinafter referred to as “Desgagnés” or “we”) deal with personal information. As such, Desgagnés recognize the importance of maintaining the privacy and protection of the personal information it holds.

To fulfill our obligations under applicable privacy legislation, notably the Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, we have adopted the present Privacy Policy (hereinafter the “Policy”).

When you choose to provide us with personal information through our websites or in connection with our operations, we will assume that you agree to the handling of your personal information as described in this Policy. Our websites include the following:

1. What is the scope of this Policy?

This Policy describes how Desgagnés collects, uses, discloses, and protects your personal information when you provide it to us through our websites or in the course of our operations. It also explains how candidates and employees may exercise their rights with respect to their personal information, for example, to access or rectify such information.

It applies to personal information that you provide to us through our websites or by any other means, whether such information is held by Desgagnés or by a third party. Entities subject to this Policy include all subsidiaries and affiliated, related or associated companies of Groupe Desgagnés Inc.

Our websites may contain links to other third-party resources or websites, for example, when you click on links related to our social networking accounts. These resources and sites are governed by the policies of these third parties, and Desgagnés will not assume any responsibility in that regard.


2. What is “personal information”?

“Personal information” refers to any information that relates to an individual and allows, directly or indirectly, that individual to be identified, such as their name, social insurance number, an online tracking identifier such as an IP address, or one or more specific characteristics relating to their identity.

3. How do we collect your personal information?

We collect your personal information in a number of ways, including when you:

  • browse our websites, for example, through the use of cookies or other tracking tools;
  • provide it through our websites, for example, by using our contact forms;
  • supply them through various means as part of our operations;
  • provide it when you purchase a product or service from us; and
  • communicate it to us by telephone, by e-mail, through social media, or in person.

4. What personal information do we collect and why?

We will only collect, use, and disclose your personal information in accordance with applicable privacy legislation. For example, we only use your personal information for the purposes for which we have obtained your consent or for other purposes that may be required or permitted by law.

The following table presents the types of personal information we collect and the purposes for which we collect it.

Through automated collection tools on our websites

Types of information collected Why?
  • Browsing habits
  • Content preferences
  • Unique identifier
  • Number of visits and pages viewed
  • To improve our services
  • To generate statistics on the number of visits to our websites
  • To carry out targeted advertising
  • To persist session state
  • To analyze traffic on our websites

As part of our maritime and land operations (customers)

Types of information collected Why?
  • Personal contact information, including name, address and telephone number
  • Contents of e-mails, messages or telephone conversations
  • Language of correspondence
  • Reason for shipping
  • Identification
  • Medical and dietary requirements, if applicable
  • Vehicle registration and description, if applicable
  • Payment details
  • Identifiers used to access and save the session
  • To communicate with you, for example, if you subscribe to our newsletters
  • To process your quote and reservation requests
  • To create your customer account on the platforms and software used by Groupe Desgagnés to provide our services
  • To process payments, issue invoices and reconcile accounts
  • To communicate with you when you are placed on our callback list or as part of our service offering
  • To provide you with our maritime and land transportation services
  • To process your claims, where applicable

The list of personal information provided here is not necessarily exhaustive. It is intended to help you better understand the types of personal information we collect, why we collect it and how we use it.

5. How do cookies work?

Our websites use cookies in the ways and for the purposes described below and in our website banners.

Cookies are small data files that are transferred to your device and stored there to identify your device or your customer account. They enable us, for example, to operate our websites, to improve their security, to correct bugs, to carry out certain usage analyses, and to adapt our content so that it better meets your needs and habits.

More specifically, our websites may use the following types of cookies:


Types of cookies Details
Essential These cookies are necessary for the proper operation of our websites. They enable us to provide essential services and functions such as continuity of service and security. For this reason, they cannot be deactivated.
Analysis and Statistics These cookies generate anonymous data on the number of visits and the way visitors use our websites. This data helps us improve our services and visitors’ experience of our websites.
Advertising These cookies enable us and our partners to recommend more relevant products and services to you and to display advertising, including on other sites, that takes into account your preferences and browsing habits. This is known as interest-based advertising (targeted advertising). Please note that if they are disabled, the number of ads will not decrease, but they will be less relevant to you.

6. To whom do we disclose your personal information?

We may disclose your personal information to third parties, such as our partners or service providers, for the purposes identified in the section “What personal information do we collect and why?”.

In such cases, we will use all reasonable efforts to protect the personal information thus disclosed by means of written agreements and undertakings requiring such third parties to adopt good privacy practices and security measures that comply with applicable privacy laws.

The following table lists the categories of third parties to whom we may disclose your personal information and what they do for us.

Third party categories What do they do for us?
Service providers

(and their own service providers)

To operate our websites and in the course of our business, we use service providers who act on our behalf.

For example, we work with service providers in the following areas:

  • to analyze and produce website statistics
  • to carry out targeted advertising
  • to persist a visitor’s session state and save language preferences
  • manage and host our websites
  • to process certain booking requests through travel agencies
  • to process the information you provide us in connection with our services

Where necessary to provide our services, or as required by law, we may disclose your personal information to our financial, legal or other advisors.

Payment services To process payments for services, issue invoices and reconcile accounts.

7. How long do we retain your personal information?

We will keep your personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes described in this Policy, unless the law or an exceptional situation requires us to keep it longer. This could be the case, for example, in the event of a dispute.


8. Where do we store your personal information?

We currently store the personal information collected on our websites and in connection with our operations on our servers in the province of Quebec. However, our service providers may be located elsewhere in the world and thus host your personal information in another jurisdiction in order to provide their respective services.

In such cases, they are subject to the laws of the country, state, or province in which they are located and may be subject to disclosure to the governments, courts, or law enforcement or regulatory agencies of that location. If we disclose your personal information outside Quebec, where applicable privacy laws may differ, we will ensure that it has a level of protection equivalent to that in Quebec, for example, through contractual arrangements.

Our practices regarding your personal information will at all times remain governed by this Policy and applicable privacy laws.


9. How do we protect your personal information?

Security measures

We maintain reasonable procedures and safeguards to protect your personal information, whether it is stored on our servers or by one of our service providers. For example, we have policies and practices in place to ensure that only authorized individuals can access your personal information. We maintain access logs and actively monitor all of our networks. We have also developed and implemented a personal information privacy incident response plan.



However, no security measure is perfect or fully guaranteed. If you have reason to believe that your interactions with us are no longer secure (for example, if you believe that the security or accuracy of any information you have provided to us has been compromised), please contact us as soon as possible using the contact information provided in the “How to reach us?” section.

10. What are your rights regarding your personal information?

You have a number of rights with respect to your personal information, including:

Right to access, rectify and delete Right to withdraw your consent
You may request access to, and a copy of, the personal information we hold about you. You may request to withdraw your consent to our use or disclosure of your personal information.
If any personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete or ambiguous, you may request that it be corrected.

You may request that personal information about you be deleted:

  • if its collection, communication or storage is not authorized by law,
  • if it is out of date or obsolete, or
  • if required by law.
In most cases, withdrawing your consent means that we will no longer be able to fulfill your request or provide you with the required service. In all other cases, we will inform you of the consequences of your request in our response.

To exercise your rights, please send a written request to our Privacy Officer at the contact information provided in the “How to reach us?” section. We may ask you to provide proof of identity before responding to your request. This identification information will be used solely for this purpose. To obtain further information about your rights under Quebec law, please visit the website of the Commission d’accès à l’information.

11. How to reach us?

You may address any request, question, complaint, or comment regarding this Policy to our Privacy Officer using the following contact information:


Privacy Officer
Groupe Desgagnés inc.
21 rue du Marché Champlain
Quebec, Quebec G1K 8Z8


12. Will we update this Policy?

This Policy is effective as of the last updated date at the top of this page.

We may change this Policy from time to time and will notify you of any material changes when we do so. Any changes we make will take effect immediately upon notice of the change being made available to you.